One of the first things to go on most grills are the flame tents. The angled metal that goes over the burners. They are very easy and inexpensive to replace
I bought a four burner Brinkman grill for about $100 at and end of the season sale four years ago. We use it year round. There is nothing like grilling a steak in a snowstorm. Over the years, the flame tents turned into a rusty mess. Other than that, the grill was in great shape.
Rather than toss it and spend $150-$200 for a new grill, I simply replaced the tents. You can find them at almost any store that sells grills or online. Prices range from about $15 for two in stainless steel or $15 for four in porcelain coated steel. This will save you money and time.
Note – while you are at it, make sure that the rest of the grill is OK, especially the gas lines and burners.